
Jameson Yap

Keep calm

“此 次,JY葉彥晨邀您在書海世界中,沈浸地一遍一遍欣賞「靜。觀」系列。徜祥在以流書繪出的文字裏,感受筆墨流動的力輿美。沈澱心情,好好地,靜觀。赴一場藝術之邀,讓我們察覺內在的情感流動,是平靜、是翻騰,那都是一次讓視覺輿心裏展開深度對話的機會。”,文字寫得如此唯美,我也不用多介绍,在展覽結束前快去赴一場 靜 觀 之約吧!

This round, Jameson Yap invites you to immerse yourself in his MINDFULNESS series. Wander in each character that's channelled through his signature River Strokes and bask yourself in the strength and beauty of the flow. Keep calm, observe and appreciate. Here's an invitation to discover not only art, but your inner self and emotion. Regardless whether it calms you down or stirs up emotion, this is the best opportunity to kick-start a deep dialogue between what you see and how you feel.", quote unquote from the exhibition statement. I followed JY in social media for quite some time and it was a pleasure seeing his works on display (31/05)。

The One Heart「一心」Exhibition in the same year same space is also added here (08/12)。

@calligraphy.jy #eslitebookstore



A person sat in front of the "Let Go" painting quietly for 30 minutes, Jameson Yap asked his staff not to disturb the person, let him be. A person visited his exhibition more than 10 times, observed every painting quietly, and peacefully. This is what the expressive River Stroke artform by JY brings to everyone, inviting us to discover not only art, but also inner self. "Regardless whether it calms you down or stirs up emotion, this is the best opportunity to kick-start a deep dialogue between what you see and how you feel.", said JY. JY moved on to talk about his exhibition title 「靜。觀」(jìng。guān), mindfulness, he placed a fullstop between the two Chinese characters to give this word a different form and meaning, 靜 means calm, 觀 means observe. So please pause, keep calm, observe and appreciate, and learn to let go, set free. You never own anything, you never lose anything.

