每个转角都是一幅美丽的抽象画,一幅深蓝一幅浅蓝重重叠叠地构成了美丽的蕭安舍夫沙萬古城(Chefchaouen Medina)。在城里每个人都是个杰出的摄影师,随意一拍都是好作品,美景全收。偶尔墙上会带点白,让我在错觉中不经意地游走了爱情海的蓝白圣托里尼岛(Santorini);偶尔闯进了城里的广场,又让我误以为自己正穿梭在印度粉藍城市久德蒲爾(Jodhpur)的小巷上。不管是摩洛哥, 希腊或印度,此刻古镇墙壁散发出的蓝色迷人魅力,确实把环境给添加了不少的诗意和浪漫,我也成了爱情真浪子。

The mosques in the medina are mostly painted in sweet light blue.


The four doors.


We don't often see many local women walking in the valleys.

The abandorn square.




I decided to paint my house with more colours so that you can easily find your way to my house.

A zaouia which was built in 1835.

My house has no number, please remember a door with blue colour ok?

N 28.

N 6.


My house is the one with gradient of blues, can you find it?

Casa Perleta Hotel. Inside the medina, in the old district of Bab Souk, 100m from the gate, follow the map and you will find us, but you will still get lost the first time, no matter what.

Locals here still believe in camera can take away their soul, they always have their face covered whenever a camera is lifted.

Art painting within a painting-like old town.

Orange store in a local market next to the medina.

View from Casa Perleta Hotel rooftop terrace, where our room is located.

An interior corner of Casa Perleta Hotel.

