It is definitely not a fun way to travel while we have to endure teeth-chattering cold as part of the journey. So what is so great about Harbin in winter? A walk on the frozen Songhua River and a bite of Harbin ice-cream, not so much of the snow and ice festival, the colorful night illumination is way too unappealing for our simple taste, and certainly not the freezing cold temperature too.
雪后清晨 江河白茫茫 松花江公路大桥 江边的香格里拉大酒店 行走在江水 行走在江水 行走在松花江上 飞跃江河 公路大桥 松花江公路大桥 裂开的冰缝 裂开的冰缝 松花江 有点丑的雪人 Sophia Church 马迭尔冰棍 马迭尔冰激凌,超美味 雪博会 冰雪大世界 雪博会 冰雪大世界 冰雪大世界 冰雪大世界 雪博会 雪博会