The Next mission in line was to embark on a Golden Rice Field Appreciation Program in Selangor’s popular farmer’s paradise – the Sekinchan town. Every one of us eats rice every day without giving so much as a thought to rice farmers’ lives, hence this unique golden rice program was arranged to create in us a sense of appreciation towards them. It was unique in the sense that each of the fifteen teams were allocated a farmer’s house for home visit, with the objective of understanding the daily routine and problems faced by a rice farmer, and to show our appreciation towards the farmer’s hard work of consistently nurturing healthy rice for our daily consumption.

Our bus stopped at Maniam’s house, and our team eagerly alighted from the bus to introduce ourselves politely to the owner. Being involved in such a program for the first time, both parties didn’t know what to expect. Nevertheless, Maniam, the 60-year-old farmer, his wife, brother, and children greeted us and extended their warm hospitality. They showed us around their small and unadorned wooden house enthusiastically. After some mingling, we started to engage in deeper and more serious conversations. Maniam talked about the difficulties of being a farmer today – the constant attacks of new and unidentified insects and bacteria that destroy the crops; the unwelcomed climate change that resulted in lesser reaps and deteriorating rice quality; and the lower and lower purchase price offered by the government every year. Adding to the burden are Maniam’s two young children, with their education fees on the rise, and Maniam at the verge of retirement, it’s imperative to find solutions to the problems he is facing now. We felt sorry for him, but he was reluctant to accept sympathy. He showed us a big positive smile, gave Anis a pat on the back and raised his voice slightly, “Come young man, let me show you my sawah padi”. He was truly proud to be a farmer.

The children were curious about the many guests in their house that afternoon.
Maniam took us for a rice field appreciation tour.
Maniam enthusiastically briefed us on the eco life of sawah padi.
Vivid blue and lush green, a fine crop this must be!
Maniam’s daughter was eagerly showing off her biking skill.
The rice planting business is a brotherhood business. Maniam’s brother lifted up his newly harvested crop for me to capture.
And this is Maniam, a proud rice farmer and friendly host.