WORRIED | Sep 21, 18:00
Not looking good, Hurricane Rita has turned into category 5,
which is as severe as Katrina, schools closed down and low lying
areas were evacuated. In Houston, expected 2 millions people
will be hitting the road tonight, heading North to safer places,
I was told airports are fully congested now. Nearby convenient
shops have all the basic supplies and nonperishable food cleared
out in hours. Many colleagues at the Pennzoil North Tower had
already made their ways home as soon as 3pm to get ready for
the evacuation.
All commercial buildings and restaurants in the city are expected
to temporarily cease operation until next week, guess I'll be
staying in the hotel login on to internet until the Rita comes
to rip off the city power supply, and I shall struggle to live
on for a couple more hours before the power generator in my
hotel runs out… obviously I'm suffering from minor mental disorientation
now, any best lucks and wishes out there are most welcome!
Many reckon this can be quite a hurricane that invades Houston
after the tropical storm Allison that poured over two feet of
rain on central Houston in 2001. Official emergency message
from my company advices us to hide ourselves in the bathroom
when the Rita strikes, and we should all have our bathtub filled
up with water just in case the piping got contaminated, stay
off the window as large flying objects hauled by the speeding
170 mph winds may break in. I stay at 16th floor and may I pray
for nothing to happen.
No worries, some optimists say the hurricane may probably miss
us in downtown, the Texas coastlines in the South are most likely
the areas which will have direct encounter with Rita. I am hoping
people here are just exercising extra and early precautions
as a learning from New Orleans aftermath, it may not be that
bad after all, I have my fingers-crossed. Houston Local 2 channel
continuously reminds everyone that the winds and rainfalls will
kick in on Friday evening, followed by the visit of furious
Rita after midnight, and it's predicted to last for 10 hours
or more.
What am I still doing here? I should be like everybody out there
running around for water, flashlight, battery, and for life.