大理崇圣寺三塔罕见的佛光 |
They called this the light of Buddha, it only last for 5 minutes in a fine day (shot at Dali Three Pagoda) |
要如此靠近雪山,也只有靠辛苦的徒步 |
Hiking is the only mean to get close to the holy mountains |
青杨林秋天之景,把你迷着了吗? |
A peaceful sight of autumn, are you spell-bounded? |
路途经过海拔4500米高的神湖,一定要把水洒在头上才能继续前进 |
A holy lake at 4500m above sea level. Remember to sprinkle your head with the holy water before continuing with your journey |
稻城、亚丁 - 中国最后的香格里拉,也是神居住的地方 |
Daocheng and Yading - the last Shangri-la discovered in China, are as holy as the goddess heaven |
无法入眠的那一夜,我跟随星星在高空中飞扬;月亮也无法入眠吧,把神山照耀得如此的明亮 |
That night, I followed the swirling stars for hours. Bathed under the moonlight, the snow mountains appeared bright and clear (photo exposed for 30 mins to create the swirling effect) |
牦牛回家,把我们的路也挡住了。牦牛呀牦牛,好牦牛不挡路呀! |
Yak, yak and yak… |
藏族缤纷美丽的家园。你喜欢那一间? |
A beautiful Tibetan house |