1. Ahli Chung,
who slept under open sky in jungles more than his bed at home
2. Ghee Beng, the king of scout, who was constantly showing
us his manly and masculine side throughout the hike 3. Maggie,
her rucksack was apparantly taller than herself, and that was
not all, she helped me to carry my oversized sleeping bag, what
a shame for myself 4. Emily, a gym freak, who could work
on trackmill for 50min without halt 5. The seductive
Wee Wen, a party gueen, had no idea what she was doing in a
jungle in this X'mas time 6. Mazlan, our ranger 7.
And myself *1, 2 and 3 are members of FYC (Fun Youth Club a.k.a Fai
Yian Club in Cantonese) |