MOUNT KINABALU The height, the hike and the hope 我以一颗登山者之心,为大地许愿;我携着爱护大地的使命,为大地祈福。在四千公尺的高空,神山听见了我为大地祈福
LOST IN TRANSLATION –verb (used on human being), present tense: lost own self in lavishness, lost one's dignity, lost in Tokyo 以前在旅途中,因为前面的风景太美丽而停不下双脚,越走越远;现在来到东京,因为眼前的包装太华丽而停不下双手,越买越多
LIVING THE BURMESE DAYS Take a sneak peak into Seeming's 20-day backpacking in the land of Buddha - Myanmar, a country you must observe, experience and appreciate with an open heart